
Radicu lar m yoc lonus (RM ) is a k ind of periphera l m yoc lonus exc lus ive ly re lated w ith traum atic sp ina l root les ion. Here we describe a case w ith invo luntary scapu lar m ovem ents as a poss ib le m anifestation of RM . A 37 -year-o ld wom an w ithout any underlying d isease deve loped invo luntary m ovem ents of le ft shou lder two days after cervica l traum a. On need le e lectrom yograph ic record ings, the m yoc lon ic jerky m ovem ents were found in le ft serratus anterior and rhom boid m a jor m uscles, and the duration of bursts ranged from 100 to 300 m s w ith the irregu lar frequency o f 1 -2 H z. E lectrom yography stud ies showed accom panying le ft C5 rad icu lopathy. Treatm ent w ith c lonazepm m arked ly im proved invo luntary scapu lar m ovem ents. Journal of Movement Disorders 1(2):104-106, 2008

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