
The detection of synthetic cannabinoid (SC) intoxication cases is challenging, even more when the involved SC identification is requested in a forensic context. This situation can be complicated by new modes of SC consumption, non-specific symptomatology, and analytical pitfalls. To illustrate these issues, we report the case of a 16-year-old man who presented symptoms evocating of a seizure disorder in the minutes following the use of a friend's e-cigarette. At admission in the emergency department, his electroencephalogram was interpreted as coherent with a recent seizure episode. 5F-ADB, a third generation SC, was detected in the e-liquid and in an early collected (H2 after the e-cigarette use) serum sample (0.50µg/L), but not in urine samples (H18 and H38). One 5F-ADB metabolite, O-desmethyl-5F-ADB (M5), was detectable in urine up to at least 38h after intoxication. Neither 5F-ADB nor its metabolites could be detected in victim's hair sampled 3months after the intoxication. Although leading to a non-specific symptomatology, acute SC intoxication should be considered when the case history is related to e-cigarette or e-liquid use. Early biological samples are recommended, even if analytical screening can be positive for SC metabolites in urine sampled until 2days after exposure. Accordingly, data from the literature and the present case underscore the relevance of adding both main 5F-ADB metabolites (M5 and 5-OH-pentyl-ADB) to mass spectrum databases used for toxicological screening in order to reduce the risk of false-negative results in intoxication cases involving 5F-ADB.

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