
The cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)-guided small animal radiation research platform (SARRP) has provided unique opportunities to test radiobiologic hypotheses. However, CBCT is less adept to localize soft tissue targets growing in a low imaging contrast environment. Three-dimensional bioluminescence tomography (BLT) provides strong image contrast and thus offers an attractive solution. We introduced a novel and efficient BLT-guided conformal radiation therapy and demonstrated it in an orthotopic glioblastoma (GBM) model. A multispectral BLT system was integrated with SARRP for radiation therapy (RT) guidance. GBM growth curve was first established by contrast CBCT/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to derive equivalent sphere as approximated gross target volume (aGTV). For BLT, mice were subject to multispectral bioluminescence imaging, followed by SARRP CBCT imaging and optical reconstruction. The CBCT image was acquired to generate anatomic mesh for the reconstruction and RT planning. To ensure high accuracy of the BLT-reconstructed center of mass (CoM) for target localization, we optimized the optical absorption coefficients μa by minimizing the distance between the CoMs of BLT reconstruction and contrast CBCT/MRI-delineated GBM volume. The aGTV combined with the uncertainties of BLT CoM localization and target volume determination was used to generate estimated target volume (ETV). For conformal irradiation procedure, the GBM was first localized by the predetermined ETV centered at BLT-reconstructed CoM, followed by SARRP radiation. The irradiation accuracy was qualitatively confirmed by pathologic staining. Deviation between CoMs of BLT reconstruction and contrast CBCT/MRI-imaged GBM is approximately 1 mm. Our derived ETV centered at BLT-reconstructed CoM covers >95% of the tumor volume. Using the second-week GBM as an example, the ETV-based BLT-guided irradiation can cover 95.4% ± 4.7% tumor volume at prescribed dose. The pathologic staining demonstrated the BLT-guided irradiated area overlapped well with the GBM location. The BLT-guided RT enables 3-dimensional conformal radiation for important orthotopic tumor models, which provides investigators a new preclinical research capability.

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