
Staphylococcus aureus is primary pathogen of humans and also of animals, and its infections are found throughout the world. It causes many clinical conditions such as skin infections, pyogenic infections and systemic infections like bacteremia, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, endocarditis, pneumonia, meningitis, deep seated abscess, and also toxin mediated infections like food poisoning, toxic shock syndrome, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. Human cases and carriers are reservoir of this infection. This bacterium has penicillin and methicillin resistance. 7.7 million deaths around the world were found linked to bacterial infection. That is 13.6%, or 1 in 8, of all global deaths. This makes bacterial infections the second leading cause of death globally. There are large differences in burden as well as distribution of bacterial pathogens across regions. As there is no effective immunization with toxids or bacterial vaccines against S.aureus. The drug Shirish (Albezia lebbeck) is coated as superior amongst all anti-poisons drugs by Acharya Charaka, Shirish is having properties like Vishagna, Kandughna, Kshtaghna, Charmarogahara, Varnya karma, and having chemical compositions like saponins, tannins, d-catechin, d-leucocyanidin, frieedlan-3-one and y-sitosterol and these possess antioxidant anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic actions. So, this drug was selected for study.

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