
Over the past few decades, wide bandgap semiconductors (WBG) have been used to fabricate high power and high frequency devices. Device structures, such as Gallium Nitride (GaN) High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs), have begun to be implemented in commercial products such as electrical vehicles and laptop power chargers. With the continuous increase in energy demand, however, extremely high voltage (>10 kV) applications are needed to increase the grid resiliency, storage, and transmission efficiency. Ultra-wide bandgap (UWBG) Semiconductors, with bandgaps >4 eV, could potentially be used to overcome this barrier. Pushing the maximum voltage limit of these devices, however, can lead to significant power dissipation and excessive joule heating.Unfortunately, the thermal conductivity of some UWBG semiconductors, such as Gallium Oxide, is inherently low and thus requires both device and package level thermal management. Innovative solutions, such as high thermal conductivity substrates, are required to reduce the active channel temperature and extend the device lifetime and reliability. In order to successfully implement these technologies, accurate measurement of the peak temperature and thermal distribution (both vertical and lateral) is necessary. Depth-averaged vertical temperature gradients have been demonstrated via Raman thermometry but this approach can become significantly time consuming if attempting to perform transient or lateral maps. On the other hand, Transient Thermoreflectance Imaging (TTI) has shown the potential to provide high throughput thermal images with high spatial resolution (100 nm) and temporal resolution (50 ns).Traditionally, TTI has been used to probe the temperature of metals due to their inherent high reflectivity. Nevertheless, recent studies have demonstrated the ability to probe the surface temperature of the semiconductor when using near-bandgap illumination sources. Due to the high bandgap of UWBG semiconductors, the maturity of high transmission UV sources, optics and detectors has not yet been fully developed. This study investigates the applicability of sub-bandgap wavelengths to probe the active channel temperature. The thermal properties of both Gallium Oxide transistors and Transfer Length Method (TLM) structures are investigated using TTI. The accuracy of the channel temperature is assessed by direct comparison to the adjacent metal contact temperature. A finite element model (FEM) is developed to understand the thermal transport in low thermally conductive semiconductors. Finally, a 3D analytical model is used to extract thermal properties such as the thermal conductivity of the thin film layers.Figure a) Optical CCD Image of Gallium Oxide Transfer Length Method (TLM) Structure b) Transient Thermoreflectance Image (TTI) of Gallium Oxide TLM using sub-bandgap illumination wavelength. Figure 1

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