
Exciton dynamics governs versatile functions of molecules such as photon emission, photovoltaic and photo chemical reactions. For clarifying the dynamics of excitons in a molecule, an optical measurement with high spatiotemporal resolution is required because the excitons have short lifetimes and their behavior in the local region is important for optical properties. Luminescence spectroscopy based on a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) enable to investigate optical properties with sub-nanometer spatial resolution[1-2]. In this method, scanning tunneling luminescence (STL) spectroscopy, a molecule is excited by the tunneling current of an STM, which can be controlled with atomic spatial resolution. In contrast, the time resolution of STL spectroscopy is limited, because the tunnel current is controlled by electrical circuits. Therefore, this method cannot be used to track the picosecond dynamics of excitons. For overcoming the time-resolution of STL, we have combined a single-cycle terahertz (THz) pulse with STL spectroscopy. By coupling the THz pulse to a tip of an STM, the photoelectric field of THz pulse with sub picosecond time width is confined to the tip apex, which enables to manipulate the tunneling electrons with high spatiotemporal resolutions[4-9]. In this work, we succeeded in forming an exciton in a single molecule by using THz-field-driven current and clarifying the mechanism of the exciton formation.Single-cycle THz pulses were generated by using optical rectification of near infrared (NIR) laser pulses from a Yb fiber laser using a tilted-pulse-front configuration (Fig. 1a). The generated THz pulses were guided into the STM chamber and focused by using a lens near the tip. We prepared a clean Ag(111) surface and deposited NaCl films. Then, we deposited Pd phthalocyanine (PdPc) molecules on the NaCl/Ag(111) surface. Figure 1b shows THz-STL spectra of a PdPc on NaCl/Ag(111). Several sharp peaks appeared at around 1.9 eV in the red spectrum (with THz irradiation) and no peak appeared in the gray spectrum (without THz). The peak energy of the main peak is identical to the fluorescence peak of a PdPc measured by conventional STL[3], thus we concluded that the singlet excited state was formed by THz-field-driven tunneling. In this presentation, we would like to discuss the detailed mechanism for the exciton formation in a molecule by THz-field-driven electrons.[1] H. Imada et al., Nature 538, 364 (2016). [2] K. Kimura et al., Nature 570, 210 (2019). [3] S. Cao et al., Nat. Chem. 13, 766 (2021). [4] T. L. Cocker et al., Nat. Photon. 7, 620 (2013). [5] K. Yoshioka et al., Nat. Photon. 10, 762 (2016). [6] V. Jelic et al., Nature Physics 13, 591 (2017). [7] D. Peller et al., Nature 585, 58 (2020). [8] L. Wang 376, 401 (2022). [9] K. Kimura et al., ACS photon. 8, 982 (2021). Figure 1

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