
The use of wide-bandgap semiconductor materials like SiC and GaN can dramatically improve the performance of electronic devices at high powers and temperatures. However, the propensity of extended defects in these materials does challenge their implementation in commercial electronic and optical applications. Spectroscopic and microscopic tools for identifying and characterizing these defects typically offer either spectroscopic or microscopic information exclusively and/or may be destructive. Here, we show how extended defects within 4H-SiC manifest in the nanoscale infrared phonon response probed by scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM), a nondestructive method capable of simultaneously collecting topographic and spectroscopic information with frequency-independent nanoscale spatial resolution (≈20 nm).We correlate the s-SNOM response of various defects in 4H-SiC with UV-photoluminescence, secondary electron and electron channeling contrast imaging, and transmission electron microscopy. We identify evidence of step-bunching, recombination-induced stacking faults, and threading screw dislocations, and also demonstrate the interaction of surface phonon polaritons with extended defects. Phonon-enhanced infrared nanospectroscopy and spatial mapping via s-SNOM thus offer significant insights into extended defects within emerging semiconductor materials and devices. It thus serves as an important diagnostic tool to help advance material growth efforts for electronic, photonic, phononic, and quantum optical applications.[1] B. Hauer, C. E. Marvinney, et al. Advanced Functional Materials 30, 1907357 (2020).

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