
Liquid electrolytes, consisting of salts, solvents, and additives, must form a stable solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) to ensure the performance and durability of lithium(Li)-ion batteries. However, the electric double layer (EDL) structure near charged surfaces is still unsolved, despite its importance in dictating the species being reduced for SEI formation near a negative electrode. Recently, we have developed an interactive Molecular Dynamics -Density Functional Theory -data statistics (MD-DFT-data) model to investigate the reduction reactions of multicomponent electrolytes within the EDL. We will illustrate the effect of EDL on SEI formation in two essential electrolytes, the carbonate-based electrolyte for Li-ion batteries and the ether-based electrolyte for batteries with Li-metal anodes. Our results reveal that the role of fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) additive differs drastically in the two electrolytes as an SEI modifier to form the beneficial F-containing SEI component (e.g., LiF). The competition among the cations, anions, and various species in the solvents with a charged surface at different temperatures can all jointly determine the EDL structure and therefore the SEI compositions. [1]While the classical Poisson–Boltzmann EDL model developed for fully solvated ions face new challenges in high-concentration liquid electrolytes (HCE), localized high-concentration liquid electrolytes (LHCE) as well as solid electrolytes (SE), new theoretical developments are required. We will introduce a new DEL model in SE and SEI by solving the DFT-informed Poisson–Fermi–Dirac equation and demonstrate how it can be used for interlayer thickness design. [2][1] Wu, Q.S, McDowell, M.T., & Qi, Y., Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (4), 2473-2484 (2023)[2] Swift, M.W., Swift, J.W. & Qi, Y. Modeling the electrical double layer at solid-state electrochemical interfaces. Nat Comput Sci 1, 212–220 (2021)

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