
In the pursuit of higher energy density, both academia and industry are intensely researching many alternative rechargeable battery concepts beyond conventional lithium-ion cells. The most promising alternatives will be those that can achieve cell level energy density larger than that of state-of-the-art lithium ion batteries at a comparable or lower cost. Based on these criteria, anode free lithium metal cells emerge as potentially useful lithium-ion alternatives as their simple cell construction can enable both high energy density and low cost assembly. In anode free cells, the negative electrode begins as a bare copper current collector and the lithium metal anode is plated in-situ from the lithium inventory in the cathode. These cells can achieve energy density 40-50% greater than lithium-ion at the cell level and have a simpler cell construction that eliminates the need to handle lithium metal foils or coat active materials on the negative current collector. However, the cycling stability of these cells in conventional carbonate liquid electrolytes is often terrible due to the low CE of lithium metal and the lack of an excess lithium reservoir. In this way, anode free cells exaggerate the technical challenges of lithium metal which makes them excellent test vehicles for optimizing lithium metal cycling. In this presentation we will highlight our progress in improving lithium metal cycling efficiency in liquid electrolytes toward the development of safe, practical, high energy density anode free cells. Much of this work focuses on the development and characterization of anode free LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2 (NMC 532)//Cu wound pouch cells. We demonstrate that the cycling stability and safety of these cells is directly correlated to the morphology of the lithium plated during charge. High surface area mossy lithium deposits in conventional liquid electrolytes lead to fast capacity fade and high anode reactivity. We will also show how many different factors including, cycling rate, charge protocol, applied pressure, temperature, and electrolyte composition affect lithium morphology. Our latest results will be highlighted which show that with the appropriate electrolyte chemistry and cycling conditions, smooth lithium morphology with densely packed columns 50 um in diameter can be achieved after cycling in liquid electrolytes. This excellent lithium morphology significantly improves the capacity retention (Figure 1) of anode free cells and limits the reactivity of the deposited lithium. Cell failure mechanisms will also be addressed with insight as to how these failures can be overcome to further improve cycle life. These results demonstrates that stable cycling of dendrite free lithium metal is possible in simple anode free cells with liquid electrolytes which represents a promising and practical avenue for the design of high energy density batteries. Figure 1

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