
In solid-state ionic devices, such as all-solid-state lithium ion batteries (ASSLIBs) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), mechanical stress is introduced at the electrode/electrolyte hetrointerfaces due to differences in the crystal structures and the chemical/thermal expansion coefficients. A mechanical strain at the heterointerface might affect thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the electrodes and the electrolyte, resulting in the performance deterioration or improvement of the devices. Although such a so-called “mechano-electro-chemical coupling effect” has been empirically demonstrated by many researches, the origins of the effect are not fully understood so far. In this presentation, we will discuss the influence of mechanical stress on thermodynamic properties of solid-state ionic materials. As a model case, lithium chemical potential in electrode materials for ASSLIBs under mechanical stress was investigated. A dense thin film electrode of LiCoO2, Li2MnO4 or LiFePO4 was deposited on a plate of solid-state lithium ion conductors, and the variation of the lithium chemical potential in the electrode was evaluated by measuring electromotive force under compressively- and tensely-strained conditions. Electromotive force accompanied by mechanical strain could be clearly observed, demonstrating a “mechano-electro-chemical coupling effect”. The influence of mechanical stress was different depending on the kinds of electrode material. The observed change in the electromotive force could be thermodynamically related to the lithium partial molar volume of the electrodes.

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