
Within a decade of the first demonstration of a MESFET device, monoclinic β-Ga2O3 (Ga2O3) devices have made incredible progress in breakdown voltages, power device figure of merit and high-speed performance. It has emerged as a promising ultra-widebandgap semiconductor for next generation power, GHz switching and RF applications. In this talk, we will present an overview of our studies on fundamental transport properties, kilovolt class power MOSFETs and aggressively scaled RF devices. The large bandgap of Ga2O3 leads to a high critical field strength. This high field strength in combination with demonstrated room temperature mobility and calculated electron velocity leads to a higher Baliga’s Figure of Merit (BFoM) and Johnston Figure of Merit (JFoM) than current commercially available widebandgap technologies. Additionally, the large bandgap also enables high temperature operation and radiation hardness making it attractive for space applications such as Mars and Venus missions.In the first part, we will discuss the deep insights gained from the first-principles based transport calculations in Ga2O3. We will discuss the limits to low field mobility, saturation velocities and impact ionization coefficients. The impact of the plasmon-phonon coupling on the phonon limited transport will be discussed. We will present the experimental signatures of plasmon-phonon coupling and anti-screening behavior in ionic gated accumulation layers.Next, I will describe our work on the lateral MOSFETs with improved field plate design and beyond-kV breakdown. Temperature dependent analysis and device simulation suggest an extrinsic breakdown mechanism outside the channel. A simple and yet effective SU-8 polymer passivation technology was developed that results in significant improvement in breakdown voltages. The higher field strength of the SU-8 polymer enables a significant increase in breakdown voltage to 8 kVs in lateral MOSFETs. However, these devices show a high Ron, which is due to the depletion caused by RIE of the channel. We will present the use of ultra-high vacuum annealing techniques to improve the on-resistance of the devices still maintaining the multi-kilo-volt rating of the devices.Due to its high JFoM, Ga2O3 is a potential candidate for high power density RF amplifiers. We will also present the performance advancement that can be obtained in RF power performance using Ga2O3 technology. We will present the challenges in the technology and potential solutions. We will present the experimental DC and pulsed measurements on laterally scaled MOSFETs with 100 nm gate length. Severe DC-RF dispersion was observed which is attributed to the RIE damage and surface states on the oxide. Passivation of the devices shows reduced current collapse. Using aggressive gate lengths and gate-source spacing scaling, (AlxGa1-x)2O3/Ga2O3 heterostructure FETs were fabricated that show record high RF performance. The device transconductance was limited by the regrowth interface resistance. Ex-situ silicon nitride passivation was shown to be effective to reduce DC-RF dispersion. Recently, thin channel MOSFETs with deep-sub-micron gate lengths and source/drain regrowth have demonstrated devices with simultaneously low on resistance, high frequency, high voltages.

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