
Coastal wetlands are heterogeneous systems with multiple inputs and complex interactions within local food webs. Interpreting such complexity is limited by incomplete knowledge of trophic interactions among organisms. Although widely recognized as secondary consumers and predators of intertidal macroinvertebrates, shorebirds can also consume lower-trophic-level food sources, and frequently forage in adjacent supratidal habitats. To ascertain potential trophic links between overwintering shorebirds and alternative non-standard food sources, we collected carbon and nitrogen stable isotope data of shorebirds and benthic organisms from 4 coastal wetlands along the Eastern Atlantic: Tejo Estuary, Portugal; Sidi-Moussa, Morocco; Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania; and Bijagos Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. Using dual-isotope Bayesian mixing models, we evaluated the relative importance of intertidal benthic macroinvertebrates and 3 other potential food sources (biofilm and seagrass rhizomes from intertidal areas, and saltpan macroinvertebrates) in the diet of wintering shorebirds. Although intertidal macroinvertebrates form the main part of most shorebird species' diet, our data revealed that supratidal saltpans can contribute to >30% of the biomass ingested by several shorebird species. Seagrass rhizomes represented >10% of the diet of several species in Banc d'Arguin and in Sidi Moussa. Little stint Calidris minuta appears to consume biofilm on all 3 wetlands where they were sampled, which is the first time biofilm consumption by shorebirds has been detected along the East Atlantic Flyway. Empirical evidence for generalized consumption of alternative food sources by intertidal avian predators show the greater complexity and food web connectivity in and of intertidal habitats, and also with the surrounding habitats.

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