
The investment potential of Ukrainian cities during the war is analysed in this article. It defines the concept of 'investment potential of a city' and analyses its key components and interrelationships, including economic stability, infrastructure and logistics, market potential, level of innovation, education, and labour force. Research has shown that the investment potential of a city is closely linked to its level of economic stability. Therefore, effective risk reduction and sound financial management are crucial in attracting long-term investments. It has been revealed that transport connections, communication networks, and other logistical aspects contribute to the growth of a city's investment potential. However, the war has significantly impacted urban infrastructure and logistics in Ukraine, creating serious challenges for the functioning and development of cities. The military situation in Ukraine has had a significant impact on the economic environment and business infrastructure, challenging the market potential of cities. The level of innovation in cities is affected by the situation of war, which brings many challenges and limitations. However, innovation can be an important factor in post-conflict adaptation and reconstruction. Challenges that can affect a city's investment potential include the impact of military conflict on education and the workforce. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on restoring and supporting educational initiatives, creating conditions to attract the best talent, and stimulating innovation in education and human resource development to overcome the challenges posed by war. The investment potential of cities is a multi-faceted indicator that reflects economic, socio-cultural and technological dynamics and helps to make informed decisions about investment and urban infrastructure development.

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