
Investing in equities market needs to requires time, knowledge and constant monitoring of the financial market. For those that need an expert to assist to manage their investments, portfolio managementservice (PMS) comes as a solution . The business of portfolio management has never been a simple one.Juggling the limited choices at hand with the dual requirements of adequate safety and sizeable returns may be a task fraught with complexities. Given the unpredictable nature of the sell requires solid experience and powerful research to form the proper decision. within the end it boils right down to make the proper move within the right direction at the proper time. That‘s where the expert comes in. Portfolio management services includes functions as such merchant banking activities which were recognized by SEBI and these activities are often rendered by SEBI authorized portfolio managers or discretionary portfolio managers. A portfolio manager by the help of his or her knowledge, background and knowledge may help his clientsto form investment in profitable avenues. A portfolio manager has got to suits the provisions of the SEBI (portfolio managers) rules and regulations, 1993. This project also includes the various services rendered by the portfolio manager. It includes varaious functions to be performed by the concerned portfolio manager. What is the difference between the worth of your time and money? In other words, we should learn to separate time from money. When it involves the importance of your time , what percentage folks believe that point is money. We all know that the work done by us is calculated by units of your time . have you ever ever considered the difference between an employee who is functioning on an hourly rate and therefore the other who is functioning on salary basis? the sole difference between them is of the unit of your time . regardless of whether you get your pay by the hour, bi-weekly, or annually; one thing common altogether is that the quantity is paid to you consistent with amount of your time you spent on working. In some or other words, time is very important and holds far more importance than money. that's the rationale the time is taken into account as a crucial think about wealth creation. The project also showsthe factors that one considersfor creating an investment decision.

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