
Behavioural aspects of investment in gold are an interesting issue for research. In Asian context, study on behavioral aspects of research need to unfurl many interesting phenomenon though the economist discourage that gold investment is an unproductive investment. But, historically Asia was gold rich country. The culture, emotions and history told about rich deposit that attracted the ancient invaders to come to Asia, especially India, due to gold reserve. China as Asian economic dragon of Asian century, still has been occupying a leading position in investment in gold. Since, the gold is useful for modern advanced sciences and industrial applications, the gold reserve and investment may potentially augment in the economic development. Thus, the present research attempts to analyse symbolic interpretation of gold in Asian countries, their gold reserve and popularity of investment in Cyber gold. Finally analyses about the attitude over the investment in gold in the select Asian countries. The methodology adopted for this paper is desk research and debates in support of investment in gold with an idea to propose for shift for golden Asia for Asian century. This paper depicts an interesting picture of on cultural interpretation of gold and its relationship with gold business, reserves, and consumption. Also, depicts a clear picture of awareness on investment in cyber-gold select Asian countries along with a proposition for enhancing Asian wealth position.

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