
The agrarian sector of the economy is one of the strategic segments of the national economy, the level of development of which depends on food security of the country, a significant part of state budget revenues, the preservation of the village, etc. For the further development of agrarian sector of the economy, the qualitative system transformations are required, which, as the experience of the most world developed countries shows, should be based exclusively on the innovative and investment potential of the development of integration relations.It is carried out the complex scientifically-based monitoring of investment support for the development of integration relations in the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy. It has been analyzed the attraction of investment resources by integrated economic entities from international financial, credit and banking institutions, as well as export credit agencies during getting the international guarantees for purposes of project financing. It was established that during 1996-2016 years over 16,7 billion dollars US in prices of 2016 were invested in all sources of financing. The structure of attracted investment resources by main groups of financial institutions shows that the largest share in it falls on funds received from bank lending, issuance of Eurobonds and stock exchange activities.There are determined the features of investment mechanisms and the purpose of project financing; it is shown that in general they play a main role in a large investment process, but are only available for large economic entities and transnational corporations.It is confirmed that the lack of an institutional system of state financial support for export in Ukraine significantly reduces the level of competitiveness of domestic agricultural products on international markets. Therefore, in the context of European integration processes, the current problem is reforming the system of support for the export of final technological redistribution products, with simultaneously restriction of foreign trade in raw materials and semi-finished products, which is carried out, in particular, through its internal economic transfer at transfer prices.


  • The modern agro-industrial production becomes more knowledge intensive

  • The realization of innovative potential of development of integration relations in the agrarian sector of the economy, neoindustrialization of the industry requires the investment of significant volumes of funds, the creation of a favourable investment climate in the country and its regions, the formation of effective investment policy

  • The development of theoretical and methodological principles of investment and financial support for the development of integration relations in the agricultural sector of the economy is foreseen by the Program of Scientific Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for 2016-2020 No 40 “Theoretical and methodological support of economic development of the agricultural sector and rural areas”

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The main condition for its development is not traditional factors such as a land security, the availability of labor resources and the use of traditional technologies, but the speed of implementation of innovation process, in which science, technology, economy, entrepreneurship and management are organically combined. The basis of such a process is the creation, implementation and dissemination of innovations, which must necessarily have the scientific and technical novelty and economic value, be characterized by practical use to needs satisfaction. All of the abovementioned determines the relevance of the research topic, its significance for scientific and applied research

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