
BACKGROUD:Covid-19hasemergedhasanalarmingpublichealthcrisis,puttingthehealthcarefacilitiesacross theglobeat strain.Even after almost ten months of its identification,there exists only a few specific approved therapeutic agents for novel coronavirus disease.In this observational study,we have looked for any clinical benefits of convalescent plasma therapy in moderately severe cases of Covid-19,when added to a regimen consisting of Remdesivir,Dexamethasone and Heparin. METHODOLOGY: 528 moderately severe patients confirmed by RT-PCR test were enrolled. One dose of 200 mL of convalescent plasma (CP) derived from recently recovered donors with the neutralizing antibody titers above 1:640 was transfused to 268 patients as an addition to maximal supportive care and Remdesivir with steroid and heparin while 260 receivedRemdesivir with steroid and heparin. RESULTS:Theprimaryendpointwasmortalitybenefit.Thesecondendpointswerethereductionindaysofhospitalization,viral clearanceandimprovementofclinical symptoms.Themediantimefromonsetofillness toplasmatransfusionwas9.55d(range 6-24d).Nosevereadverseeffectswereobserved. CONCLUSION:Our studyshowedthatCPTcouldimprovesurvivalinpatientswhenaddedtothestandardtherapyinpatients with moderate Covid-19 infection. The add on therapy also significantly reduced the need for supplemental oxygen in the survivorsItcouldpotentiallyimprovetheclinicaloutcomesbesidesbeingawell-toleratedmodalityoftreatment.

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