
The radioisotope 87Y is one of the candidates for the SPECT and 87Y/87mSr generator due to its suitable half-life and decay properties. The proton-induced on the 89Y target can be used for the production of 87Y. The present perusal calculated the excitation function for the both 89Y(p,x)87m,gY direct reaction and decay of 87Zr via 89Y(p,3n)87Zr → 87mY → 87gY indirect reaction using the TALYS-1.8 code. To simulation the production of 87m,gY nuclide, the target thickness was designed based on the stopping power calculation by the SRIM-2013 code. The Monte Carlo code GEANT4 was used to simulate the transport of protons through the irradiation assembly. Then, the cumulative integral yield of the 87m,gY has been calculated directly after the decay of 87Zr radionuclide entirely. These results were in good agreement with the theoretical and reported experimental data. Eventually, the integral yield of the 87m,gY was calculated by the indirect method from 87Zr decay after separation the zirconium. This work provides the basis for theoretical appraisement of the use of no-carrier-added 87Y as radiopharmaceutical for the purpose of medical applications.

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