
The study investigated the relationship of the palatal rugae to points and distances of the cleft palate during the time period from birth to early mixed dentition in subjects with unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate by means of a three-dimensional measuring system. The changes identified in the distances from the lateral palatal rugae points of the first and third rugae to the incisal point, the canine point and the tuberosity line made it possible to assess how growth and the various forms of therapy applied affected the position of the palatal rugae during the study period (from birth to early mixed dentition). Changes in the linear distances from the palatal rugae to the maxillary measuring points were identified during preoperative therapy, after lip surgery, and after palate surgery. A comparison of the distances from the palatal rugae with distances between equivalent points (incisal point-canine point, canine point-tuberosity line, canine point-canine point) revealed differences in some instances. The results suggest that the palatal rugae in combination with measuring points of the cleft palate can serve to depict the changes occurring in the anterior palate during various stages of therapy and growth.

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