
Results of the experimental studies carried out for developing a flowsheet for the recovery of cassiterite from the gravity tails of a low grade lode type tin ore (Tosham, Haryana) from India by froth flotation using three different collector reagents — alkyl phosphonic acid, sodium sulfosuccinamate and alkyl phosphoric acid ester are presented. The studies include micro-flotation of high purity cassiterite from Tosham, bench scale studies on gravity tails of Tosham tin ore, large scale semi-continuous test with relatively better reagent at optimised flotation conditions ending up with development of conceptual flowsheet meant for obtaining fuming grade cassiterite concentrate. The performance of various collector reagents was analysed on the basis of conventional metallurgical accounting methods and flotation kinetic rate constants. From a feed containing 0.24% Sn, a float product analysing 7% Sn with 55% recovery was obtained using a reagent combination of alkyl phosphoric acid ester-sodium silicofluoride - commercial grade sulfuric acid and citric acid.

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