
Good quality single crystals of metal complexes of thiourea with II group transition metals (Zn, Cd) as central atom and III period element (Cl) were grown from aqueous solution by slow evaporation method. Their structural, optical, thermal and dielectric properties were investigated and reported in detail. Metal complexes show a bathochromic shift in the absorption edge and a blue shift in the optical band gap value. An improved photopyroelectric measurement technique was employed to study the thermal properties of the metal complexes. Dielectric measurements were made as a function of frequency (50 Hz–5 MHz) and temperature (303–423 K) ranges. Laser Damage threshold and powder SHG efficiency of the samples were found using Nd: YAG (1064 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz) laser. The low power optical limiting properties have been investigated using a 532 nm second harmonics of diode pumped Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm, 50 mW). The role of II group metal ions (Zn and Cd) in tuning the properties of the metal complexes in (100) has been discussed in detail. Cadmium was found to be more efficient than zinc for short wavelength laser generation and low power optical limiting applications.

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