
Fermentation by microorganisms is a key step in the production of traditional food products such as bread, cheese, beer and wine. In these fermentative ecosystems, microorganisms interact in various ways, namely competition, predation, commensalism and mutualism. Traditional wine fermentation is a complex microbial process performed by Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces (NS) yeast species. To better understand the different interactions occurring within wine fermentation, isolated yeast cultures were compared with mixed co-cultures of one reference strain of S. cerevisiae with one strain of four NS yeast species (Metschnikowia pulcherrima, M. fructicola, Hanseniaspora opuntiae and H. uvarum). In each case, we studied population dynamics, resource consumed and metabolites produced from central carbon metabolism. This phenotyping of competition kinetics allowed us to confirm the main mechanisms of interaction between strains of four NS species. S. cerevisiae competed with H. uvarum and H. opuntiae for resources although both Hanseniaspora species were characterized by a strong mortality either in mono or mixed fermentations. M. pulcherrima and M. fructicola displayed a negative interaction with the S. cerevisiae strain tested, with a decrease in viability in co-culture. Overall, this work highlights the importance of measuring specific cell populations in mixed cultures and their metabolite kinetics to understand yeast-yeast interactions. These results are a first step towards ecological engineering and the rational design of optimal multi-species starter consortia using modeling tools. In particular the originality of this paper is for the first times to highlight the joint-effect of different species population dynamics on glycerol production and also to discuss on the putative role of lipid uptake on the limitation of some non-conventional species growth although interaction processes.

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