
The objective of this work was to establish, on the grounds of obtained results for the total number of bacteria before and after completed disinfection, whether there are differences in the efficiency of disinfection performed by a professional and disinfection carried out by an unqualified employee in a private slaughterhouse. The material used in these investigations were samples of wet-dry swabs taken over a course of five weeks, before and after disinfection carried out by an unqualified employee and the skilled professional, from the following: the knife used for evisceration, the floor in the evisceration area, from the table serving for bristle removal, and from the floor underneath the bristle removal surface. The wet-dry swabs were taken according to the procedure described in the standard method ISO 18593 (Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal methods for sampling techniques from surfaces using contact plates and swabs). Analyzing the taken samples, the total number of bacteria was determined using the standard method ISO 4833 (Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms - Colony-count technique at 30?C). Disinfection was carried out using a chlorine preparation (sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate) in a concentration of 0.02% and for an exposure period of 30 min. The results were interpreted on the grounds of the border values in evaluating the hygiene of the equipment, tools, and work surfaces, presented in Commission Decision 471/2001/ EC. The results of the investogations have shown that the disinfection performed by the skilled professional was more efficient than the disinfection performed by the unqualified person, as the total number of bacteria was significantly smaller (p<0.01) in the course of all 5 experimental weeks on the evisceration knife, the floor under the bristle removal surface, during weeks 1, 2 and 5, and on the floor in the evisceration area in weeks 1 and 5.


  • Cilj rada je bio da se na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ukupnog broja bakterija pre i posle izvr{enih dezinfekcija utvrdi da li su postojale razlike u efikasnosti dezinfekcije koju je izvr{ilo stu~no lice i dezinfekcije koju je sprovelo nestru~no lice zanatske klanice

  • Vet. glasnik 66 (3-4) 219 - 231 (2012) Ljiljana Jankovi} i sar.: Ispitivanje uticaja postupaka dezinfekcije na higijenu u zanatskoj klanici ispod stola za skidanje dlaka u I, II i V nedelji, i na podu na mestu gde se vr{i evisceracija u I i V nedelji

  • Significant difference shown with same letters p

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S obzirom na to da rad u zanatskoj klanici prate izvesni higijenski problemi, a da je za bezbednost hrane jedan od veoma bitnih elemenata pravilno sprovo|enje dezinfekcije, cilj na{eg rada je bio da se utvrdi ukupan broj bakterija pre i posle dezinfekcije, one koju je sprovelo nestru~no lice zanatske klanice i druge, koju je sprovelo stru~no lice, i da se analizom dobijenih rezultata utvrdi da li su postojale razlike u efikasnosti sprovedenih dezinfekcija. Analizom rezultata ukupnog broja bakterija (log CFU/cm2) dobijenih posle dezinfekcije poda na mestu gde se vr{i evisceracija moe se zaklju~iti da je dezinfekcija od strane stru~nog lica bila efikasnija u I i V nedelji, jer je utvr|en statisti~ki zna~ajno manji (p

Odgovorno lice klanice
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