
The pathomorphological changes established following infection with the virus of classical swine plague in non-immune individuals are well known. However, piglets present a problem from the clinical-pathological aspect, in which this virus can be multiplied in spite of established colostral antibodies, but without the exhibiting of the clinical symptoms characteristic for the disease. The question of the characteristics of the pathomorphological finding is raised in the event of the breakdown of the colostral immunity of the piglets. With the objective of determining the influence of colostral antibodies on the development of pathomorphological changes in classical swine plague, piglets aged 28, 35, 44, and 54 days, originating from sows that had received a vaccine of the K-strain of the classical swine plague virus, were experimentally infected with a virulent variety of this virus (Becker strain). The control group comprised non-vaccinated animals originating from non-vaccinated sows. Following the death and/or sacrificing of the piglets in the experiment, a pathomorphological examination was performed of all organic systems and the presence of classical swine plague virus antigens was established in organs and tissues of piglets using the immunoenzyme (ELISA) test. Even though clinical signs characteristic for this disease were not found in all animals following artificial infection, the pathomorphological findings following death and/or sacrificing indicated a successful experimental infection and was typical for the acute course of classical swine plague. Bleeding was established in most organs and serous membranes (haemorrhagic diathesis). However, certain variations were also established regarding the expression and distribution of the pathomorphological changes in certain animals.


  • Patomorfolo{ke promene koje se ustanovljavaju posle infekcije izazvane virusom klasi~ne kuge svinja (KKS) kod neimunih jedinki su dobro poznate

  • Rezultati pregleda krvnih seruma prasadi ogledne grupe na prisustvo specifi~nih antitela protiv virusa klasi~ne kuge svinja (ELISA tehnika) /

  • Klini~ka za{tita od klasi~ne kuge svinja ne moe da se smatra primarnim ciljem, ~ak je i nepoeljna, jer prikriva postoje}u infekciju kod jedinke koja moe da predstavlja izvor za pojavu sekundarnihari{ta oboljenja Š101

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Patomorfolo{ke promene koje se ustanovljavaju posle infekcije izazvane virusom klasi~ne kuge svinja (KKS) kod neimunih jedinki su dobro poznate. Me|utim, sa klini~ko-patolo{kog aspekta problem predstavljaju prasad, kod kojih se i pored ustanovljenih kolostralnih antitela virus klasi~ne kuge svinja moe da umnoava, ali bez ispoljavanja klini~kih simptoma karakteristi~nih za KKS. Da bi se ustanovio uticaj kolostralnih antitela na razvoj patomorfolo{kih promena kod klasi~ne kuge svinja, obavljena je eksperimentalna infekcija izazvana virulentnim virusom klasi~ne kuge prasadi koja poti~u od krma~a vi{ekratno vakcinisanih Kina (K) sojem virusa KKS. Pre ve{ta~ke infekcije, obavljeno je ispitivanje uzoraka krvnih seruma eksperimentalnihivotinja imunoenzimskom tehnikom (ELISA) na prisustvo specifi~nih antitela protiv virusa klasi~ne kuge svinja. Rezultati pregleda krvnih seruma na prisustvo specifi~nih antitela protiv virusa klasi~ne kuge svinja prasadi ogledne grupe su prikazani u tabeli broj 1. Rezultati pregleda krvnih seruma prasadi ogledne grupe na prisustvo specifi~nih antitela protiv virusa klasi~ne kuge svinja (ELISA tehnika) /

Piglet number
Haemorrhagiae cerebri et cerebelli
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