
Palynological studies have been carried out on three highland peat bogs, and one situated on the Atlantic coastal plain. In the highlands, the late Pleistocene (14,000 - 10,000 uncal B.P.) vegetation was dominated by campos (grassland). Scattered stands of Araucaria forests were preserved in deep valleys. In the region of the sites at Morro da Igreja and Serra do Rio Rastro, the dominance of campos vegetation continued until about 1000 B.P. while at the Serra da Boa Vista site there was an expansion of Atlantic pluvial forest elements followed by Araucaria forests at the beginning of the Holocene. A general expansion of A. angustifolia, clearly related to a change towards an increasingly moist climate, can be dated to the present millenium. On the coastal plains, the late Pleistocene vegetation was dominated by Myrtaceae which were replaced by tropical taxa in the Holocene. The lowland profile (Poco Grande) also covers part of the upper Holocene, where the rich flora of the Atlantic pluvial forests can be characterized by taxa including Alchornea, Urticales and Rapanea. Close to the coring site, there was a repeated alternation between two different dune communities (4840 - 4590 B.P.), followed by a lake stage with aquatic plant succession (4590 - 4265 B.P.), plant communities dominated by Rapanea (4265 - 4230 B.P.) and the spread of Alchornea (4230 - 3525 B.P.). Late Pleistocene climate conditions (14,000 - 10,000 B.P.) can be described as cold and relatively dry, possibly including an equivalent of the Younger Dryas period. In the Holocene, there were changes from a warm and drier climate (10,000 -∼3000 B.P.) to a cool and more moist regime (ca. 3000 -ca. 1000 B.P.) and finally to a cool and very moist period (from around 1000 B.P.).

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