
In this study, we innovatively use sulphoaluminate cement slurry and its additives as a fracturing fluid system for supercritical CO2 graphene-permeable cement stone (referred to hereafter as the SCGPCS) fracturing without sand. Utilizing small fluid volumes, small displacement and small pump pressure, we obtain the success of the first field test in an extra-low desorption pressure coal seam. Laboratory experiments have proven that sulphoaluminate cement is suitable as base cements for the SCGPCS system due to their rapid setting and fast hardening characteristics. The reaction of sodium carbonate + aluminum sulfate system and sodium bicarbonate + aluminum sulfate system will generate precipitation to block the internal pore structure of cement stone, leading to a decrease in permeability. Calcium hypochlorite (1.5 wt.%) + urea (0.6 wt.%) system is preferred as a gas-generating agent system for SCGPCS. Sand (30 wt.%) with 300–425 μm particle size is preferred as a structural strength substance for SCGPCS. Graphene poly-gel (referred to hereafter as the GPG) has a high FCI and good CO2 foam stability. GPG (6.0 wt.%) is preferred as a foam stabilizer for SCGPCS. The thickening time of graphene–foam–cement slurry is 138 min at 50 °C, with long pumping time, normal thickening curve and excellent performance. The SCGPCS has a corrosion rate of 11.25 mpy in the formation water and can be stable in the formation. Acid is more corrosive to SCGPCS, and it can be used to improve the permeability of SCGPCS. Field tests have proven that SCGPCS fracturing injected 33 m3 of fluid, of which 27 m3 entered the formation. Graphene–foam–cement slurry was injected into the formation through the casing for 13 m3, with a displacement of 0.4–0.6 m3/min and tubing pressure 8–13 MPa. The formation was fractured with a fracturing crack half-length of 71.58 m, a supported fracturing crack half-length of 56.95 m, and a supported fracturing crack permeability of 56.265 mD.

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