
Redwood 2-year seedlings were planted in 1982 as a pure of 156 hectares in north of Iran. In order to assess the compatibility and the the growth of this plant was measured quantitative characteristics such as diameter, Height, Crown diameter in 2010 (30 age). Inventory was done in this area by systematic random method with the intensity 15%. sample plots were 500 m². the result indicate, There is quite a significant difference with 99% confidence level (P<0.01) between diameter at breast height of Redwood trees, But there is no significant difference between height and slenderness coefficient. The results of the factors examined include: slenderness coefficient (70.64), Diameter at breast height(20.87 cm), Height(14.7 m), Crown diameter(4.35 m), Volume at hectare (178.46 m³), Diameter increment (9.48 mm), Height increment (64.09 cm), Volume increment (8.06 m³).

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