
This paper analyses structural and acoustic performance interactions of a building covered with a cable net and membrane roof following a multiphysics approach. The problem has three different variables: the roof time-depending deformed shape under wind action (duration 1800 s), the extremely variable position of a singer on the stage (30 s speaker recorded movements were expanded through a 6th order Hermite chaos polynomials to cover all the potential acoustic source positions) and finally, the listeners’ location (assumed according to Beranek for a listener located in the middle of the aisle between two stalls). The Initial Time Delay Gap was assumed as a measure of speech or song diffusion. In addition, reverberation time, clarity and early decay time were estimated for both undeformed and deformed roof shapes to evaluate acoustic performance variations. Roof deformation was calculated using time-history nonlinear structural analyses done by applying wind action measured in wind tunnel.

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