
Gokcekaya Dam is one of the dams located on the Sakarya River (Eskisehir) in Turkey and is approximately 38 years old. No study regarding to the water quality of the dam lake has been hitherto made. This study aimed at determining the seasonal variations with physical, chemical, and biological parameters of the water quality of the dam lake. Depth-wise water samples were taken from five selected stations, in seasonal periods during 2005–2008, and anlayzed. The quality of water was classified in accordance with the results and taking into consideration many parameters. At the same time, number and type diversities of dissolved heavy metals and algae population were analyzed. Using principal component analysis (PCA) and classification analysis (CA) methods, differences between these parameters and samples from stations have been determined . The analysis showed that Gokcekaya dam lake, formerly an oligotrophic lake, has become a mesotrophic lake. And according to the results thereof the Lake has mezotrophic characteristics due to the sudden changes (including household waste water inflow and opening the Sariyar dam lake shutters) in certain periods and in some stations. Hierarchical clustering analysis, revealed no significant difference between the measured parameters. And according to the Water Pollution Control Regulations in Turkey (WPCR) Gokcekaya dam lake is in the first class quality in terms of anions, cations, heavy metals, temperature, and pH values. However, the is of first class quality presence of nitrite reduces the water quality in the lake and causes this lake to be classified in the fourth class quality.

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