
Being a champion in the portable electronics world, high-energy density lithium-ion batteries(LIBs) are irreplaceable. Still, the scarcity of Li resources, high cost, and the inclusion of non-aqueous electrolytes make them relatively perilous and inefficient for grid-scale energy storage. Recently, the blooming aqueous Zn-ion batteries (ZIBs) have emerged as one of the pioneers featuring the inherently safe nature of metallic Zn anode and its unique properties.[1] Vanadium-based compounds show fast ion diffusion and excellent reversible capacity because of their rich valence state of V, facile distortion of V-O polyhedra, and tuneable composition, which offers an excellent treasure house. Moreover, the different oxidation states of vanadium allow a higher degree of structural change and greater functional flexibility while incorporating multivalent cations into vanadium-based compounds.[2] The present work focuses on a V-based oxide cathode, i.e., LixV3O8 (x = 1, 1.3, 1.5), named LVO (SG: P21/m, crystal: monoclinic). It was synthesized using V-pentoxide and LiOH precursors through a simple and economical sol-gel route. LVO was further chemically lithiated to the desired stoichiometries (1.3 and 1.5) using LiI in acetonitrile to get Li1.3V3O8 & Li1.5V3O8, to use them as a cathode material for ZIBs. The best-performing cathode, i.e., L1.5VO, showed the reversible capacity of ~150 mAhg-1 at a current rate of 5 Ag-1 for 3500 cycles in 2 M Zn(Otf)2. Moreover, at 1Ag-1, it showed a high capacity of 260 mAhg-1. In operando XRD suggests the overall phase evolution is highly reversible, as indicated by the reversible evolution of the LVO peaks, the underlying charge storage process can be distinguished into two halves. During discharge, those two halves are: 1.6V – 0.8V window representing Zn2+ intercalation and 0.8 – 0.2V window with predominant H+ intercalation. The latter process is evident from the appearance of the triflate based layered double hydroxide byproduct (triflate-LDH) diffraction peaks (marked with asterisk) [3] formed from the reaction of Zn2+, CF3SO2O- (triflate anion), and OH- left behind after H+ insertion. It is safe to say that the Zn2+ intercalation is the dominant process in the high voltage regime where the triflate-LDH peaks do not appear. Even though the transition from Zn2+ to H+ mediated charge storage coincides with a change in the shape of the voltage profile and its slope around 0.8 V, this is likely related to the puckering of the VOx layers as observed for Li+ intercalation in V2O5. In operando Raman suggested an evolution for the peaks which are associated with the V-O-V bending vibrations in the 200-600 cm-1 range. Overall, A detailed examination of this system using ex-situ, in-operando XRD, in-operando Raman spectroscopy, solid state 1H proton NMR, and ABF-STEM imaging will be discussed, which confirmed Zn-ion (de)intercalation in Li1.5VO with a reversible LDH formation. This vanadate can be proposed as a robust cathode for zinc-ion batteries. Reference s : [1] M. Song, et al., Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28,1802564.[2] Y. Zhang et al., Chem. Front. 20 21, 5, 744-762.[3] P. Oberholzer et al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 674−682

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