
The reduction of gravity-field related quantities (e.g., gravity anomalies, geoid heights) due to the topography plays a crucial role in both geodetic and geophysical applications, since in the former it is an intermediate step towards geoid prediction and in the latter it reveals lateral as well as radial density contrasts and infers the geology of the area under study. The computations are usually carried out by employing a DTM and/or a DBM, which describe the topography and bathymetry, respectively. Errors in these DTMs/DBMs will introduce errors in the computed topographic effects, while poor spatial resolution of the topography and bathymetry models will result in aliasing effects to both gravity anomalies and geoid heights, both influencing the accuracy of the estimated solutions. The scope of this work is twofold. First, a validation and accuracy assessment of the SRTM 3″ (90 m) DTM over Greece is performed through comparisons with existing global models as well as with the Greek 450 m national DTMs. Whenever a misrepresentation of the topography is identified in the SRTM data, it is “corrected” using the local 450 m DTM. This process resulted in an improved SRTM DTM called SRTMGr, which was then used to determine terrain effects to gravity field quantities. From the fine-resolution SRTMGr DTMs, coarser models of 15″, 30″, 1′, 2′ and 5′ have been determined in order to investigate aliasing effects on both gravity anomalies and geoid heights by computing terrain effects at variable spatial resolutions. From the results acquired in two test areas, it was concluded that SRTMGr provides similar results to the local DTM making the use of other older global DTMs obsolete. The study for terrain aliasing effects proved that when high-resolution and accuracy gravity and geoid models are needed, then the highest possible resolution DTM should be employed to compute the respective terrain effects. Based on the results acquired from two the test areas a corrected SRTMGr DTM has been compiled for the entire Greek territory towards the development of a new gravimetric geoid model. Results from that analysis are presented based on the well-known remove-compute-restore method, employing land and marine gravity data, EGM08 as a reference geopotential model and the SRTMGr DTM for the computation of the RTM effects.

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