
Abstract. The emergence of a large number of modern high-speed cars with improved dynamic characteristics and an increase in the share of cars, especially large load capacity, have significantly accelerated the destruction of asphalt roads. Plastic deformations, tracks and cracks are more and more often observed on asphalt concrete pavements of roads, their wear is accelerated. As a result, the transport and operational condition of roads deteriorates, the speed of traffic decreases, the cost of road transport increases, and increasing costs are required for road repairs. Thus, the conditions of traction of the wheels of the car with the road surface are influenced by the service life of the coating, traffic intensity, the amount of harmful emissions of industrial enterprises and climatic factors. At the same time uneven change of conditions of coupling in cross and longitudinal profiles of the highway comes to light. Analyzing the natural and climatic factors, we can establish that different weather conditions have different effects on the condition of the road surface. In summer, the condition of the surface is dry and clean, so the driving conditions are safe. Taking into account all the factors that lead to the destruction of the coating with the formation of residual deformations and irreversible changes, requires the study of wear of the coating surface. he wear of the coating largely depends on the friction force in the area of contact of the tire with the surface of the coating, the type of tires and the pressure in the tires. But the random nature of changes in the intensity and composition of traffic, seasons, temperature, humidity, rainfall affects the amount of wear over a period of operation of the road surface. The presence of water or solutions in the pores of the coating leads to the separation of mineral particles from the layer under the action of impact force from the wheels of vehicles. It is experimentally established that the wear of asphalt concrete in the dry and wet state increases with increasing temperature. One of the main types of damage to road surfaces is their premature wear under the influence of vehicle wheels, in combination with changing weather conditions. Analyzing the natural and climatic factors, we can establish that different weather conditions have different effects on the condition of the road surface. The article considers the influence of temperature, humidity and the presence of solutions of chloride anti-icing materials on the process of abrasion of asphalt pavement in the autumn-winter period. Occurrence of big differences of temperature and humidity accelerates processes of aging of materials from which layers are made, influencing their durability and wear resistance.

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