
Some results of the complex historical-archival, production-technological and computational-theoretical study of the dome-conical structure of the Kazan circus are presented. The state of structures after 50 years of continuous and troublefree operation is evaluated. Spatial modelling was carried out and numerical verification was carried out using volumetric finite elements (FEM) based on the software package “MiсroFe”. This takes into account: the history of operation of the structure, including the data of engineering and numerical calculations (1976); the features of construction and technology of construction; the results of field tests and physical depreciation of structures. At the first stage, the spatial model of the upper dome structure was calculated, which allowed to estimate and establish the stress-strain state of the frame made of petals-ribs as the left snap of the dome-ribbed coating. In the second stage adopted the estimated spatial scheme with the collaboration of the foundation and superstructure. The calculation takes into account vertical and horizontal loads from all regional climatic influences, as well as technological loads at circus performances. On the basis of complex computational and theoretical studies of stress-strain state dome-conical structure of the building of the Kazan circus, which has the status of a unique object, made conclusions and developed measures to eliminate defects.

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