
In the modern world, taking into account the active lifestyle of people, the dynamics of growth of complex fractures is observed. Their treatment is associated with rigid fixation of fragments with plates and screws, that is, with the help of osteosynthesis. In the surgical operating room during osteosynthesis is not possible to use auxiliary tools, which can be used to fix the screw with the required screw-in force. As a result, the screw breaks either during surgery or during further operation. This can be avoided by examining the stress-strain state of the screw head for osteosynthesis. By simulating the screw turning process, it is possible to determine the maximum stresses appearing in the screw heads with different profiles, and to choose or develop the profile of the recess under the key, which will be optimal in terms of stress-strain state and manufacturability .


  • The n umber o f f ractures o f d ifferent d egrees o f complexity a round t he world i s i ncreasing e very year

  • All existing d evelopments a nd p roducts in th e f ield of fastening elements of screws for osteosynthesis are of foreign origin, and are made by "Zimmer", " Koenigsee" ( Germany), " Double M edical" (China) a nd others

  • T here ar e p ractically no modern domestic a nalogues of t hese pr oducts, a nd t aking i nto account the fact t hat t he s hare o f Russian p roduction in this market is a bout 5 % o f th e world market ("Osteosynthesis", " Osteomed", "TitanImplant"), th is area, d espite b eing q uite p romising, i s yet to b e developed

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The n umber o f f ractures o f d ifferent d egrees o f complexity a round t he world i s i ncreasing e very year. The main go al of th e s tudy i s to develop a t urnkey depression pr ofile t hat will r educe t he number of s crew breakages for osteosynthesis To solve this problem, it is necessary to investigate the stress distribution inside the screw head in t he p rocess o f screw turning , which c an be obtained using three-dimensional modeling [6, 7]. I n ope ration, s tresses, de formations a nd displacements were cal culated t aking i nto acco unt t he applied 4 N/m torque In this case, the load was applied evenly d istributed o n t he co ntact s urfaces o f t he p rofile of the recess under the turnkey screw head. P ure titanium Ti w as u sed as a m aterial f or modeling t he stress-strain state o f screw heads for osteosynthesis [12, 13]

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