
The aim of this study was to determine the teachers' views on technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK)self-efficacy and the frequency of using ICT in education and to examine whether there is a differentiation in theseviews according to certain variables. In addition, the relationship between teachers' use of ICT and TPACK-ISTEself-efficacy in various processes is examined. The study which is carried out with a descriptive survey, causalcomparison and correlational survey models includes 387 secondary and high school teachers as study sample. In thestudy, teachers consider themselves very competent especially in terms of content knowledge. TPACK-ISTEself-efficacy of vocational and technical teachers was significantly higher than that of the science and mathematicsteachers. While teachers benefit from ICT tools less frequently in measurement and evaluation as well as inpresenting the course subject; in terms of presenting the course subject, high school teachers use ICTs significantlymore often than the secondary school teachers; those who did receive in-service training on the use of technology ineducation use ICTs significantly more often than those who did not receive it. It is seen from the study results thatthe variables such as preparing the lecture notes, presenting the course subject and doing study explain theTPACK-ISTE self-efficacy significantly.

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