
IMS 7f-GEO isotope ratio applications increasingly involve analyses (e.g., S- or O- isotopes, coupled with primary ion currents <30 pA) for which quasi-simultaneous arrival (QSA) could compromise precision and accuracy of data. QSA and associated correction have been widely investigated for the CAMECA NanoSIMS instruments, but not for the IMS series. Sulfur and oxygen isotopic ratio experiments were performed using an electron multiplier (EM) detector, employing Cs+ primary ion currents of 1, 2, 5 and 11.5 pA (nominal) and a variety of secondary ion transmissions to vary QSA probability. An experiment to distinguish between QSA undercounting and purported aperture-related mass fractionation was performed using an EM for 16 O- and 18 O- plus an additional 16 O- measurement using a Faraday cup (FC) detector. An experiment to investigate the accuracy of the QSA correction was performed by comparing S isotopic ratios obtained using an EM with those obtained on the same sample using dual FCs. The QSA effect was observed on the IMS-7f-GEO, and QSA coefficients (β) of ~0.66 were determined, in agreement with reported NanoSIMS measurements, but different from the value (0.5) predicted using Poisson statistics. Aperture-related fractionation was not sufficient to explain the difference but uncertainties in primary ion flux measurement could play a role. When QSA corrected, the isotope ratio data obtained using the EM agreed with the dual FC data, within statistical error. QSA undercounting could compromise isotope ratio analyses requiring ~1×105 counts per second for the major isotope and primary currents <20 pA. The error could be >8‰ for a 1 pA primary current. However, correction can be accurately applied. For instrumental mass fractionation (IMF)-corrected data, the magnitude of the error resulting from not correcting for QSA is dependent on the difference in secondary ion count rate between the unknown and standard analyses. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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