
The purpose of this study is to obtain a mathematical model to assess the influence of the facies and genetic characteristics of bottom sediments on the distribution of suspended matter during dredging.The addressed problem is associated with the detrimental effect of bottom sediments during hydraulic works on the ecological state of a water body. An increase in the level of technogenic turbidity leads to redistribution of the thermal conductivity of water masses and corresponding deterioration in the habitat of aquatic organisms. The development of a mathematical model for the distribution of suspended matter is an urgent task, the solution of which will allow us to analyze the area of distribution of each of the facies of bottom sediment during dredging operations.A mathematical model of the distribution of facies of suspended matter during dredging operations based on the finite difference method has been developed. Software for modeling and visual representation of the process of propagation of facies of suspended matter in the water space of the Gorin River during dredging operations has been developed using C# software, Visual Studio software development environment.The scientific novelty of the performed work is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the distribution of suspended solids during dredging operations under conditions of hydrogeological uncertainty.

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