
Investigation of the Effects of Probation Practices on Restorative Justice System


  • It can be ensured that probation services serve more to restorative justice by methods such as providing social cohesion by taking into account the risks and needs of probationers, the probationer at the trial stage benefiting from the presumption of innocence, and individualizing the process

  • N., Denetimli serbestlik sisteminin toplumsal uyum sürecine etkisi: Bolu örneği, yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Bolu, 2016

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Using the phenomenological analysis method, questions were asked during in-depth interviews to eight probationers in different processes of the probation and three experts were interviewed. Questions were asked to participants to evaluate how they made sense of restorative justice and how they were affected by the probation process

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