
Bipolar plates are a key component of fuel cell stacks. Bipolar plates have multiple functions. They connect the single cells of the stack electrically and must be therefore electrically conductive. They separate oxidant and fuel gases and distribute them on each side over the membrane-electrode-assembly (MEA). Bipolar plates separate coolant liquid too. Fuel cell stack is cooled by coolant liquid which is flowing through the cooling flow channels in the middle of bipolar plates.Especially the bipolar plates for HT-PEM must endure a low pH environment, continuous electrical potential, and higher temperatures up to 200°C. The focus here is on investigations of anode and cathode side flow channels of graphite bipolar plates. Inhomogeneities and faults of flow channels are examined and their effects on fuel cell stack performance are analyzed. The analyses are based on optical scan data of flow channel geometry and measurement data of a HT-PEM fuel cell full stack consisting of 120 cells operated on a testbed under different variations. Inlet pressure and stoichiometry of both anode and cathode were varied, anode was fed with pure hydrogen and with different reformate gas compositions consisting of hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. For each variation point, polarization curves between 0 A/cm2 – 0,55 A/cm2 in step of 0,05 A/cm2 were recorded.With an on testbed installed cell voltage monitoring (CVM) system voltages of every cell were measured and logged. Enormous amount of optical scan data consisting of width and depth information of flow channels was merged to certain statistical data for anode and cathode bipolar plates. Correlations between statistical data and cell voltages are still being investigated. It is planned to repeat the measurements with another 120 cells HT-PEM fuel cell full stack and compare the results.

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