
Carbon fibre prepregs have found widespread application in lightweight constructions. They are based on a carbon fibre fabric impregnated with reactive epoxy resin. Measurements were carried out using commercially available prepreg material. For Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), a single cantilever measuring device was applied. The DMA results were refined by additional DSC measurements. The measurements were carried out with dynamic heating in the temperature range −90 to 280 °C. The heating rates were 1 and 2 K/min, respectively. A glass transition of the uncured material (Tg0) near 1 °C, and crosslinking-induced vitrification and devitrification at the maximal glass transition temperature of the cured material (Tgmax) in the temperature range 220 to 230 °C were found. The activation energies for the glass transitions were determined using an Arrhenius plot. By detailed consideration of the influence of the frequency on the DMA data, indications for gelation were deduced.

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