
The relevance of research is due to the need to establish the true causes and patterns of changes in the hydrometric characteristics of the world water balance, which determine the global climate on Earth. The purpose of research: to establish the patterns and causes of changes in the world water balance variables on Earth: the availability of ground and groundwater, river flows on continents, on land, components of the World Ocean water balance in anomalies, changes in the atmospheric regime, the level of lakes, the Caspian Sea, mountain glaciers, clouds and other natural environments, given in the form of time series, due to changes in heliocosmic and climatic factors under the influence of the barycentric movements of the Sun, which determine the climate on Earth. The objects of research: time series of heliocosmic and global climate variables, hydrometric components of the world water balance. The methods of research: a method developed by the author for the interaction of observations of a variable or variables with groups of given heliocosmic and climatic factors in the frequency and time domains, obtained using wavelet transforms with the calculation of phase-frequency and phase-time characteristics of observations in equal time intervals; comparative analysis of changes in the obtained phase characteristics of groups of variables with the calculation of their consistency matrices and plotting in the frequency and time domains. Results: two groups of variables are involved in cyclic climate change on Earth, hydrometric characteristics of the world water balance, natural environments: heliocosmic (barycentric motions of the Sun, solar activity, long-term solar insolation, volcanic eruptions and greenhouse gases, ozone concentration in the ionosphere, elements of the Earth's orbit, geomagnetic field, magnetic field of the Sun) and global temperature climatic variables due to changes in heliocosmic factors, the leading of which is the barycentric motion of the Sun. By analyzing the wavelet phase-frequency and phase-time characteristics of the group of hydrometric characteristics of the world water balance, heliocosmic and climatic variables in the phase-frequency and phase-time domains, the dependences of changes in the hydrometric characteristics of the world water balance by changes in heliocosmic and climatic variables in the phase-frequency and phase- temporary areas. These dependencies are presented in two figures with many graphs and two correlation matrices. They characterize the variability of the components of the world water balance by changes in heliocosmic and climatic variables in two areas in the observed time interval and are reflections of changes in the self-organizing climate system. In changes in the phase-time characteristics of groups of factors, lattice structures of differently and unidirectional changes in variables are observed, which characterize the cyclical nature of climate changes on Earth.

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