
Abstract. Based on Astrid-2 satellite data, results are presented from a statistical study on subauroral ion drift (SAID) occurrence. SAID is a subauroral phenomenon characterized by a westward ionospheric ion drift with velocity greater than 1000m/s, or equivalently, by a poleward-directed electric field with intensity greater than 30mV/m. SAID events occur predominantly in the premidnight sector, with a maximum probability located within the 20:00 to 23:00 MLT sector, where the most rapid SAID events are also found. They are substorm related, and show first an increase in intensity and a decrease in latitudinal width during the expansion phase, followed by a weakening and widening of the SAID structures during the recovery phase. The potential drop across a SAID structure is seen to remain roughly constant during the recovery phase. The field-aligned current density and the height-integrated Pedersen conductivity distribution associated with the SAID events were calculated. The results reveal that the strongest SAID electric field peaks are associated with the lowest Pedersen conductivity minimum values. Clear modifications are seen in the ionospheric Pedersen conductivity distribution associated with the SAID structure as time evolves: the SAID peak is located on the poleward side of the corresponding region of reduced Pedersen conductivity; the shape of the regions of reduced conductivity is asymmetric, with a steeper poleward edge and a more rounded equatorward edge; the SAID structure becomes less intense and widens with evolution of the substorm recovery phase. From the analysis of the SAID occurrence relative to the mid-latitude trough position, SAID peaks are seen to occur relatively close to the corresponding mid-latitude trough minimum. Both these features show a similar response to magnetospheric disturbances, but on different time scales - with increasing magnetic activity, the SAID structure shows a faster movement towards lower latitudes than that of the mid-latitude trough. From the combined analysis of these results, we conclude that the SAID generation mechanism cannot be regarded either as a pure voltage generator or as a pure current generator, applied to the ionosphere. While the anti-correlation between the width and the peak intensity of the SAID structures with substorm evolution indicates a magnetospheric source acting as a constant voltage generator, the ionospheric modifications and, in particular the reduction in the conductivity for intense SAID structures, are indicative of a constant current system closing through the ionosphere. The ionospheric feedback mechanisms are seen to be of major importance for sustaining and regulating the SAID structures. Key words. Ionosphere (mid-latitude ionosphere; electric fields and currents; ionosphere-magnetosphere interactions)


  • Strong poleward electric fields associated with intense westward ionospheric plasma flow are a relatively common feature observed at subauroral latitudes in the evening to premidnight local time sector during substorm activity

  • The results reveal that the strongest subauroral ion drifts (SAID) electric field peaks are associated with the lowest Pedersen conductivity minimum values

  • Denoted as subauroral ion drifts (SAID) or equivalently, as subauroral electric fields (SAEF), this phenomenon has been the subject of many studies reported by several authors during the last three decades

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Strong poleward electric fields associated with intense westward ionospheric plasma flow are a relatively common feature observed at subauroral latitudes in the evening to premidnight local time sector during substorm activity. Karlsson et al (1998) reported results from a statistical study based on Freja satellite data These results are in agreement with the model proposed by Anderson et al (1993) and clearly indicate that the SAID phenomenon has a close relationship to the mid-latitude trough and the currents flowing through this region. An approximately equal potential drop was measured across the conjugate events, despite the expected higher ionospheric conductivity at the northern end of the SAID flux tube The authors interpreted this result as an indication that the magnetospheric source for the SAID acts more like a voltage than a current generator. A number of important features of the SAID phenomenon are presented, the nature of the SAID generation mechanism is discussed, and the role of ionospheric modifications for the evolution of the SAID structure is analyzed

Statistical results on SAID occurrence using Astrid-2 data
Discussion and conclusions
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