
An electrolyte for electro chromic device applications was prepared by simple solution cast method. The incorporation of functionalized Alkali metal (Nacl) into poly (vinilydene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene): Titanium dioxide (TiO2) in the ratio of 80:5 provided an enhanced dielectrical and structural properties, The casting solution, effects of the solvent and non-solvent in addition of nano scale TiO2 particles and Alkali metal (Nacl) complexes were investigated in this study. After annealing of the PVDF-co-HFP/ TiO2 and AM samples at 1600C, the FTIR study showed many spectral changes including the spectral shift to high wavenumbers and the appearance of new peaks. These spectral changes indicate increasing of crystallinity, strong molecular bonds, and some crystal phase transitions. XRD results showed the change in the crystalline phase of PVdF–co-HFP electrolyte with the addition of surface modified TiO2 and Alkali metal (Nacl). The effect of the TiO2 nanoparticles and Alkali metal (Nacl) surface functionality on the degree of crystallinity of the polymer matrix was analyzed using TGA, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results the surface morphology and porous nature of the fabricated membrane. The particular polymer electrolyte specimen having 15 wt% Alkali metal (Nacl) exhibited the large values of dielectric constant ' in the low frequency region may be due to an enhanced level of storage of charge carriers at the electrolyte-electrode interface thereby resulting in an increase in the equivalent capacitance. Results show that tends to confirm that the best conducting sample with 15 wt% Alkali metal (Nacl) would possess the maximum number of charge carriers among the five different compositions of NCPE system considered during the present endeavor

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