
Arastirmada mesleki muzik egimi alan lisans ogrencilerinin sosyal problem cozme becerilerini incelemek amaclanmistir. Tarama modeli kullanilan arastirmanin calisma grubunu 162 Muzik Ogretmenligi Programi ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak arastirmaci tarafindan gelistirilen "Kisisel Bilgi Formu" ile D’Zurilla ve ark. tarafindan gelistirilen Sosyal Problem Cozme Envanteri-Kisa Formu (Social Problem Solving Inventor-Short Form) kullanilmistir . Arastirma sonucunda; ogrencilerin probleme olumlu yonelimlerinin olumsuz yonelimlerine gore daha yuksek oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir. Ayrica Rasyonel Problem Cozme duzeylerinin Dikkatsiz ve Kacinan Tarz'a gore daha yuksek oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir. Sinif duzeyi degiskenine gore Kacingan Tarz alt olceginde ucuncu sinifta ogrenim goren ogrencilerin puan ortalamalarinin ikinci sinifta ogrenim goren ogrencilerin puan ortalamalarindan daha dusuk oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir. Mezun olunan lise turune gore ise Genel Lise mezunu ogrencilerin probleme karsi olumsuz yonelimlerinin, Guzel Sanatlar ve Spor Lisesi mezunu ogrencilerin probleme karsi olumsuz yonelimlerinden daha dusuk oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Muzik Egitimi, Mesleki muzik egitimi, Problem Cozme Becerisi, Sosyal Problem Cozme Becerisi. Abstract The objective of the present study is to investigate social problem solving skills of undergraduate students in vocational music training. Scanning model was used in the study and 162 music education program students were included in the study group. Data collection tools utilized in the study were the “Personal Information Form” developed by the author and Social Problem Solving Inventory – Short Form developed by D’Zurilla et al. Study findings demonstrated that positive orientation of the students were higher than their negative orientationon the problem. Furthermore, it was found that their “rational problem solving” levels were higher than “inattentive and avoidant type.” It was also found that scores of the junior students were lower than sophomores in “avoidant type” subscale based on the grade level variable. And based on the type of high school graduated, it was determined that negative orientation of general high school graduate students were lower than that of the students who graduated from fine arts and sports high schools.

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