
This article investigates the response of double gate tunnel effect transistors (DG-TFETs) exposed to single-event effect (SEE) radiation. The radiation effects on different regions of DG-TFET are studied for various linear energy transfers (LETs) and drain voltages. The findings show that in both vertical and horizontal radiation, the channel and tunneling junction are the radiation-sensitive parts of DG-TFETs, respectively. To enhance radiation tolerance, an n + pocket is inserted at the source/channel junction to increase recombination and decrease the collected charges after irradiation. The results demonstrate that the n + pocket DG-TFET reduces the drain transient current peak under radiation by 23% compared to conventional DG-TFET. Furthermore, the incorporation of an n + pocket enhances the transistor's performance in multiple aspects. It not only reduces the subthreshold swing (SS) but also boosts the ON current (Ion) by a significant factor of 11 compared to the conventional DG-TFET.

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