
FeSe0.5Te0.5 single crystals with superconducting critical temperature of 13.5 K are investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) measureflents in detail. STM image on the top surface shows an atomically resolved square lattice consisted by white and dark spots with a constant of about 3.73 0.03 which is consistent with the lattice constant 3.78 . The Se and Te atoms with a height difference of about 0.35 are successfully identified since the sizes of the two kinds of atoms are different. The tunneling spectra show very large zero-bias conductance value and asymmetric coherent peaks in the superconducting state. According to the positions of coherence peaks, we determine the superconducting gap 2 = 5.5 meV, and the reduced gap 2/kBTc = 4.9 is larger than the value predicted by the weak-coupling BCS theory. The zero-bias conductance at 1.7 K only have a decrease of about 40% compared with the normal state conductance, which may originate from some scattering and broadening mechanism in the material. This broadening effect will also make the superconducting gap determined by the distance between the coherence peaks larger than the exact gap value. The asymmetric structure of the tunneling spectra near the superconducting gap is induced by the hump on the background. This hump appears at temperature more than twice the superconducting critical temperature. This kind of hump has also been observed in other iron pnictides and needs further investigation. A possible bosonic mode outside the coherence peak with a mode energy of about 5.5 meV is observed in some tunneling spectra, and the ratio between the mode energy and superconducting transition temperature /kBTc 4.7 is roughly consistent with the universal ratio 4.3 in iron-based superconductors. The high-energy background of the spectra beyond the superconducting gaps shows a V-shape feature. The slopes of the differential conductance spectra at high energy are very different in the areas of Te-atom cluster and Se-atom cluster, and the difference extends to the energy of more than 300 meV. The differential conductance mapping has very little information about the quasi-particle interference of the superconducting state, which may result from the other strong scattering mechanism in the sample.


  • 图1 FeSe0.5Te0.5样品在20 Oe外加磁场下的零场冷的磁化曲线 Figure 1 Temperature dependence of volume magnetization of the FeSe0.5Te0.5 single crystal after zero-field cooling at the magnetic of 20 Oe (a)

  • 样品表面高度随距离的变化曲线 Figure 2 High-resolution topography on FeSe0.5Te0.5 single crystal (a) Topography in a region of 22 × 22 nm2; (b) An enlarged image of the area in the white square of (a); (c) The spatial dependence of height measured along the white arrow shown in (b)

  • 做平移以更好地显示数据 Figure 3 STS spectra and their temperature dependence (a) Topography in a region of 14 × 14 nm2; (b) A typical spectrum on the surface of FeSe0.5Te0.5; (c-e) The evolutions of the STS spectra with temperature increased from 1.7 K to 29 K at three different areas marked as C, D and

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图1 FeSe0.5Te0.5样品在20 Oe外加磁场下的零场冷的磁化曲线 Figure 1 Temperature dependence of volume magnetization of the FeSe0.5Te0.5 single crystal after zero-field cooling at the magnetic of 20 Oe (a). 自 2008 年 F 掺杂的 LaFeAsO 被发现 26 K 超导电性后[1],铁基超导迅速成为 凝聚态物理的前沿研究热点.通过元素的掺杂和替换铁基超导体的转变温度 (Superconducting Critical Temperature, 简记为 Tc)迅速提高并突破了麦克米兰极 限,其最高超导转变温度为 56 K[2,3],使铁基超导体成为继铜氧化物高温超导体 后的第二类高温超导体.由于铁基超导体与铜氧化物超导体都具有相似的准二维 层状结构以及与反铁磁邻近的相图[4,5,6,7],因此铁基家族成为研究非常规超导体的平

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