
Within the conducted studies there were highlighted urgent questions of introducing the management system of quality and safety of food products. Quality and safety parameters that determine the notion of food product quality have been established by analyzing the normative and legislative base. There were studied quality parameters of granulated fillers that are structured systems of the ball-like form with diameter (3…7)·10-3 m and are characterized with a plastic, a bit crumbling consistence. Granules may be used as fillers for milk and sour-milk products, cheeses, ice-cream, dessert products, confectionary ones, beverages, salads, culinary floury products. The organoleptic quality evaluation of the products was realized by the descriptive (qualitative) method and by the profile analysis one (quantitative). Each organoleptic parameter (consistence, taste, smell and so on) is presented as a totality of components (descriptors), evaluated by quality, intensity and manifestation order. A characteristic of organoleptic parameters with intensity scales of separate signs is presented as profile diagrams. The complex organoleptic index that is 4.89…4.95 points has been determined. Basic physical-chemical properties of the new products were studied. It has been determined, that the content of main nutritive substances in the composition of fillers is: proteins 3.4…7.2 %, lipids – 2.5…6.5 %, total carbohydrates 7.8…13.2 %, mineral substances 0.25…1.12 %, that allow to pose fillers as products with the high food value. Safety parameters of the granulated fillers were studied – microbiological and toxicological ones, and also the content of mycotoxins and antibiotics. It has been proved, that the new products fully correspond to established norms by these parameters. The study of microbiological indices of the new products has proved the content of viable lactate bacteria in the fillers in amount 3·108…1·107 CFU in 1 g of a product and the absence of the pathogenic and conventionally pathogenic microflora. The expert evaluation of safety of the granulated fillers as to the content of food supplements in their composition allows to make a conclusion about the correspondence of the developed products to international legislative requirements. It has been proved, that the storage term of new products is 90 days at temperature 1…6 °С and relative air humidity no more 75 %.


  • According to scientists, ХХI century may become one of quality and safety

  • The international experience testifies that setting the problem of quality and food safety at the level of national idea allows to overcome the economic crisis, but to occupy leading positions at the world market

  • Questions of theory and practice of development, implementation and functioning of systems of quality and safety management were reflected in works [2,3,4,5]

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Taking into account permanent crisis phenomena in economy, food industrial enterprises face an especially urgent question to provide the development and stable position at the food (2020), «EUREKA: Life Sciences» Number 2 market Under these conditions, quality and safety of food products become urgent and are most important competitiveness indicators of enterprises of this branch [1]. Questions of theory and practice of development, implementation and functioning of systems of quality and safety management were reflected in works [2,3,4,5] They include mainly general instructions and recommendations that have a concrete realization depending on type, capacity, branch belonging, food products assortment, technological production process peculiarities

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