
Strategies to improve the quality, robustness, and efficiency of dynamic mesh deformation are investigated. Radial basis function (RBF) interpolation is used for the background mesh, and volume-weighted interpolation is utilized for the computational mesh. An adaptive background mesh with an octree structure is automatically generated. It is refined according to the resolution near the boundaries and the wall's interior is also covered by mesh which is of sufficient resolution and prevents a negative volume due to large deformations of complex configurations. Secondly, the RBF method based on adaptive background mesh, the RBF interpolation angle method based on adaptive background mesh, and the damping function-RBF interpolation angle method based on adaptive background mesh have been developed. This method is applicable to complex shapes with multiple gaps, ensuring a high-quality mesh and high computational efficiency for large deformations. The numerical validation of the interpolation rotation angles for different RBFs indicates that the CTPS C0 function is suitable for large gradients in the boundary deformation. The RBF interpolation angle method ensures a smoother deformation for rigid and large deformations. The damping function-RBF interpolation angle method ensures mesh orthogonality near the boundary during elastic deformation, improving the boundary layer's quality and deformation robustness. Several examples show that the proposed method improves the mesh quality by about 30% and increases the time consumption by about 10%. In addition, the methods are applicable to rigid/elastic deformation of objects with multiple boundaries.

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