
Objective To understand Deyang people’s knowledge, behavior changes and psychological state during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, and provide scientific basis for the government and individuals to take effective measures. Methods A total of 1 380 people in Jingyang District of Deyang City were investigated by online questionnaire. SPSS 23.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Results People’s mode of acquiring relevant knowledge through traditional TV, radio and newspaper has changed to TV, Internet, WeChat, and Tik Tok. In addition to ventilation and panic buying mask and disinfectant, the general public has positive behavior for COVID-19 pandemic, especially those with higher education and higher education level. The differences are statistically significant (all P <0.01). In terms of people’s psychological state, those who feel fear and pessimism and disappointment have lower education background than those of high school and below; those who are worried about infection, worried about family health, depressed mood, irritable and angry have higher education background than those of high school and below, with statistical significance (all P <0.05). There are seven main reasons for residents′ fear, the proportion of college degree or above is higher than that of high school degree or below in fear reasons of strong infectivity, long incubation period and infectivity, increasing number of suspected cases, lack of medicines and protective substances (all P <0.05). Conclusion During the epidemic period, there are panic, anxiety, pessimism and other psychological states in Deyang people. It is very important to take targeted health education strategies and measures to effectively prevent and control the spread of disease, and pay attention to the prevention and control of psychological diseases caused by the epidemic. 摘要:目的 了解新型冠状病毒肺炎流行期间德阳市民众掌握相关知识的情况、行为变化及心理状态,为政府和 个体采取有效的措施提供科学依据。 方法 采用网上问卷的方式调查德阳地区民众 1 380 人,利用 SPSS 23.0 软件进行 统计分析。 结果 人们由传统的电视、广播、报纸等途径获得相关知识发展为以电视、网络、微信、抖音等获得;除了通 风及抢购口罩和消毒液以外,普遍大众都持积极行为表现,尤其是大专及以上文化程度者明显高于高中及以下文化程 度者,差异有统计学意义( P <0.01);人们心理状态方面:感到恐惧和悲观失望者大专及以上学历低于高中及以下学历; 担心传染、担心家人健康、心情压抑、易怒发脾气者大专及以上学历均高于高中及以下学历,差异有统计学意义( P < 0.05);居民产生恐惧心理的主要原因有 7 项,其中传染性强、潜伏期长且具传染性、疑似病例增多、药品及防护物质缺 乏等项目上大专及以上学历者所占比例均高于高中及以下学历者,差异有统计学意义( P <0.05)。 结论 疫情期间,德 阳民众普遍存在恐慌、焦虑、悲观等心理状态,应采取有针对性的健康教育策略和措施,对有效预防控制疾病传播非常 重要,同时还要注重防止因疫情引起的心理疾病发生。

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