
Several autoregressive (AR) and autoregressive moving average (ARMA) parametric spectral estimators were evaluated for use in tissue strain estimation. Using both 1-D simulations and in vitro phantom experiments, the performance of these parametric spectral strain estimators were compared against both a nonparametric discrete Fourier transform (DFT) spectral strain estimator and a coherent elastographic technique. Parametric spectral estimator model orders were selected based on a modified strain filter approach. This technique illustrated the trade-offs between different signal-processing parameters and a strain estimator performance measure, namely the area under the strain filter (using applied strain dynamic range of 0.1 to 50%). The Yule-Walker AR spectral strain estimator outperformed all other parametric methods evaluated, but failed to outperform the DFT-based approach. Furthermore, both these spectral strain-estimation techniques exhibit an elastographic signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR e ) and strain estimation dynamic range not achievable using conventional elastography without global stretching. (E-mail: flemming.forsberg@jefferson.edu)

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